Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lemonade Stand

This steamy hot Saturday's crew of golfers were surprised by a little lemonade stand on the way to the 9th tee box. After 3 hrs worth of work, the kids made $24. Not too shabby of a profit considering they charged $.50 a cup!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Glorifying Our Lord Through Art

The two middle kids have taken art with Mrs. Perry for four years. I have known her for 11 years and she is one of the most kind and humble examples of a christian woman one could meet. She has such a gentle dimeanor, and always praises the children of her class and reminds them to do there very best as unto the Lord. We love and adore Mrs. Perry and look forward to many more years with her!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This Time, Last Year

I was a very large pregnant mama that felt, well, not so in charge! We were winding down the school year and getting ready to have a baby any day. We also were about 1 month shy of putting our house on the market, but not before we did complete renovations of 2 bathrooms and the entire house painted on the inside. I remember feeling so overwhelmed and apprehensive. I prayed it seemed hourly (which by no means is bad thing) for God to give me the strength that I needed to give birth, pack a house, and tend to 3 other children and a husband with all the daily needs. Every day seemed to blur into the next day, and only with God's guidance and help did we come out on the other end somewhat sane. Added bonus-the house sold in 3!!!!days, which left us scrambling to find one to move into. We saw the Lord's hand in that endeavor as well. Now around 10 months later, I can look back and am so grateful, but it was crazy at the time!

"He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother"

I've always been a fan of "wearing "my babies, like they're the latest accessory. I also love the fact that my older children love to wear their little sibling. The other day Amelia wanted to take a walk with Graeme strapped to her. She has to use the Bjorn carrier. It is my oldest one and has seen each one of my little children safely snuggled close to me. I love the times of close bonding. May God always see that these precious children are always so close to one another!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Last Friday, my brother came to my home to prepare a planting bed and sow some various seeds for me. He's a seasoned pro at this and we've had produce of various sorts from his garden all through the spring and summer months for the past several years.

I can't tell you how excited I am at the prospect of going out my back door to pick lovely fresh produce to feed my family!

I grew up visiting my grandparents almost every weekend and even though I took it for granted back then, I so appreciate how they would load our family's car down with all sorts of things from their garden. They've passed away now, but my brother tends to the same soil they planted in for so many years. What a connection to the past. I love it!

I'll be showing pics tomorrow as I see their little heads beginning to peek out from the soil.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back To Where We Became A Family

We are the average family so our lives are no more hectic than anyother. So, when my husband suggested last week that we take a little day trip to the campus of MSU for "Super Bulldog Weekend, " we were all excited. When we left 14 years ago, we just knew we would return at least a couple of times a year for various games and such, and even though it's not as often as we'd like, we always have fun traveling down memory lane.

Mike and I were married almost 18 years ago. He was 21 and I was 19 (such babies!) A week after we were married, we settled into the little town of Starkville, MS. It was my first year there enrolled in the School of Interior Design. My husband had been there for several years already. I remember it was pretty scary living away from my parents and home for the first time, but we settled into newlywed and university life pretty easily.

Our children like to hear the stories we tell and see the places that were special to us during our time there such as our first apartment, where we shopped, the local library, the place we worshipped, the hospital that our oldest was born, and lastly and most favorite the campus.

Kids in front of Lee Hall

Mia on top of "Bully". We've taken pics of each of the children with this statue.


All four

I always thought the cafeteria ceiling with it's flying buttresses was so pretty.

At the football game

Many more pictures could be shown, all in all it was a very good day with family.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Being with Friends

I feel very fortunate that each of my children have formed strong friendships with the children of my friends. Last weekend, Mia, was able to spend the night away for the very first time with her best little friend, Lily. Lily's mom and I were pregnant with our daughters together and I'm so glad to see their mothers friendship has carried over to them. "Two people are better off than one, for they can help eachother succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help." Ecclesiasties 4:9